Arc of Prosperity

Scottish Independence within the EU – with a Scandinavian Slant


Get it done!

My goodness how the time has flewn!
My goodness how the time has flewn!.
I’ve been a bit frustrated with Robin McAlpine’s articles recently. He’s been pushing for Indyref2 to take place a few years after Brexit has happened – something which I think would be utterly disastrous for Scotland – but at the same time he’s been one of the few people offering concrete advice on how to get ready for it.

However, today he’s written an article that recommends holding the next independence referendum sooner that he used to be in favour of. He still wants to hold it later than I think is wise, but at least our views are converging.

Also, very importantly, he has some really important recommendations on what we need to do now:

There needs to be a serious research unit set up immediately. It needs to be staffed with people capable of commissioning and carrying out the policy research needed to create what I’ve called a ‘consolidated business plan for a new nation state’.

We need a detailed plan for establishing a currency, a central bank, a civil service, a constitution, an embassy network, a pensions and social security system, a national grid with energy supply regulations, a tax system, an army. […] [We] need detailed proposals. And we’ve got 18 months to get it done.

And we need a proper cross-party, all-movement campaign organisation. Its job is to get every indy campaigner in the country trained, developed and prepared for the most important campaign they’ll ever fight.

And its job is also to prepare a proper, professional campaign strategy using all the approaches and techniques which are available – and which are shown to be effective. We also need all this done in the next 18 months.

I totally agree with all of these recommendations. Crucially, they can be done without calling Indyref2. Given the horrendous, xenophobic Tory conference, no rational person can criticise Nicola Sturgeon for following these recommendations now, and she’s then in an excellent position to call the referendum in 2018 if that’s the only alternative left that will protect Scotland’s place in the World.

Let’s get it done!

2 thoughts on “Get it done!

  • If the Scottish Government/SNP are not already doing this type of research and formulating plans for an independent Scottish Government it is more than remiss of them, it is negligence of the highest order given their ultimate goal. I would find it surprising if such plans did not exist.

    Additionally, as a former academic researcher I am all for independent, objective research in most instances. However, if an independent research institute were formed and funded to focus on Scottish issues would what they have to say be given any credence in the MSM, the source of most political information for doubters and No voters? I doubt it.

    Given the lack of transparency and the qualifications surrounding any economic data regarding Scotland I suggest it best simply for members of the SNP and other supporters of Independence in general to pressure the SNP leadership to ensure the necessary processes/civil service contingency plans are in hand for future use and, in the meantime, allow the various members of the YES movement and bloggers to make the case on issues such as currency, etc. and publicise this in CommonSpace, iScot, the National, etc.

    Facts and evidence are useful but in some instances too much information is self defeating when it comes to getting the public behind major issues; note the recent debacle re Brexit. It came down to how the public felt, not what they would have thought if presented with appropriate information. And I note in this regard that the peak of requests on the internet for info re the EU came AFTER THE VOTE. For many people, how they feel about an independent Scotland will matter more than the factual information they acquire, and chaning their attitude will depend more on their social interactions with independence supporters. To faclitate this there does need to be a sound professional campaign but, in the absence of funding, I cannot see anyone or any group being in a position to do more than facilitate interaction between local groups. However, I would expect, once a date for Indyref2 is set, that such a hub/convention/organisation would evolve organically from the many existing groups.

    • Fair points. I still think getting more people to work on post-indy policies can only be a good thing – it would then be up to the SNP and the other pro-indy parties whether they’d endorse them.


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