We need to create our own campaign materials
I’m frankly a bit surprised the SNP isn’t supplying us with any, but I guess we just need to take matters into our own hands.
When I was at the rally on Glasgow Green last Sunday, I sensed there was a real desire to start campaigning again, and if we are to hold Indyref2 in two years’ time, we really need to get started on building a majority for independence.
It would be good with a number of A5 flyers targeting different audiences (e.g., EU citizens, NHS workers and pensioners) and specific topics (such as currency, EU membership, and whether there’ll be a hard border with England).
An updated reprint of Wings over Scotland’s Wee Blue Book would also be amazing.
And finally I’d like to see a card with links to various independence websites (several versions of this existed two years ago).
I’m sure there are tens of thousands of people out there who are desperate to deliver them, and they would probably also help pay for them and all.
Who’s up for designing them, organising the printing and doing the crowdfunding? Has any of this been done yet? I really don’t think we need to wait for the SNP to do it, or for Yes Scotland II to be set up. Who’s with me?