The only thing that matters for UK Labour
I totally agree that this is sorely needed to enable the party to compete successfully with the SNP again. However, as far as I can tell, nobody in Scotland can make that kind of decision — just like devolution in the UK, it would have to be granted by the centre. This was exactly Lamont’s problem — she didn’t have any real power and constantly got overruled by Miliband and the other Labour MPs, and whoever succeeds her will have the same problem. Unless they want to form a brand-new party and resign en masse from Labour, they’ll have to convince UK Labour to grant them the internal devolution they need.
To be perfectly honest, I don’t believe UK Labour will do this. The only thing that matters to them is whether they get a lot of loyal MPs sent down from Scotland at each general election, and the SNP’s electoral successes have so far been limited to Holyrood, the European Parliament and the councils. From their point of view, Scottish Labour is still supplying the goods.
Because of their focus on Westminster, UK Labour HQ also won’t agree to a separate party in Scotland — that would create the possibility of disloyal MPs that wouldn’t vote for UK Labour’s ideas all the time, and thereby potentially undermining a UK Labour Government. (This is of course also why they’re against Evel — if they can’t rely on Scottish MPs, they’re useless from their point of view.)
The only thing that will make them reconsider is if lots of Scottish Labour MPs lose their seats in May. If Miliband doesn’t become PM becomes his party was decimated in Scotland, UK Labour will start thinking that the only way forward is to give the Scottish party the autonomy it has craved for so long. Interestingly, this means that the only way to save Scottish Labour in the long term is by voting SNP in May.
Michael Hance liked this on Facebook.
Before I read let me guess: Power?
What is the point of the post-Blair Labour Party anyway?
Rob I will comment later
RT @AndrewMcMorrin: The only thing that matters for UK Labour Worth a read
The only thing that matters for UK Labour
RT @dbbaye: The only thing that matters for UK Labour
RT @AndrewMcMorrin: The only thing that matters for UK Labour Worth a read
‘The only thing which can save Scottish Labour is voting SNP in May.’ Excellent analysis by @arcofprosperity
The only thing that matters for UK Labour A must read…!
RT @meljomur: ‘The only thing which can save Scottish Labour is voting SNP in May.’ Excellent analysis by @arcofprosperity…
RT @meljomur: ‘The only thing which can save Scottish Labour is voting SNP in May.’ Excellent analysis by @arcofprosperity…
RT @meljomur: ‘The only thing which can save Scottish Labour is voting SNP in May.’ Excellent analysis by @arcofprosperity…
RT @meljomur: ‘The only thing which can save Scottish Labour is voting SNP in May.’ Excellent analysis by @arcofprosperity…
RT @meljomur: ‘The only thing which can save Scottish Labour is voting SNP in May.’ Excellent analysis by @arcofprosperity…
Why are folks so concerned with restructuring Labour in Scotland?
They had a chance to play part in Scotland’s future and choose Labour’s future instead.
Voters don’t owe a party an existence, however Labour still think they do.
RT @meljomur: ‘The only thing which can save Scottish Labour is voting SNP in May.’ Excellent analysis by @arcofprosperity…
Great analysis, Thomas Widmann.
RT @meljomur: ‘The only thing which can save Scottish Labour is voting SNP in May.’ Excellent analysis by @arcofprosperity…
RT @meljomur: ‘The only thing which can save Scottish Labour is voting SNP in May.’ Excellent analysis by @arcofprosperity…
RT @meljomur: ‘The only thing which can save Scottish Labour is voting SNP in May.’ Excellent analysis by @arcofprosperity…
RT @meljomur: ‘The only thing which can save Scottish Labour is voting SNP in May.’ Excellent analysis by @arcofprosperity…
RT @meljomur: ‘The only thing which can save Scottish Labour is voting SNP in May.’ Excellent analysis by @arcofprosperity…
Pause for thought: Not a UK Labour strong suit! : The only thing that matters for UK Labour
RT @meljomur: ‘The only thing which can save Scottish Labour is voting SNP in May.’ Excellent analysis by @arcofprosperity…
RT @meljomur: ‘The only thing which can save Scottish Labour is voting SNP in May.’ Excellent analysis by @arcofprosperity…
RT @meljomur: ‘The only thing which can save Scottish Labour is voting SNP in May.’ Excellent analysis by @arcofprosperity…
Rob Scovell liked this on Facebook.
Since London apparently blames JoLa for not using the organisation that does not exist, I don’t think they have grasped what the problem is. It is therefore impossible for them to take the appropriate corrective action.
Good analysis but I’m a bit more cynical than you. I don’t believe there is anyone in “Scottish” Labour who wants it saved in the way you suggest. Sure, many will make noises about ‘we tried to fight but big, bad Westminster undermined us’, and the media will enable them to do so. But in reality, Labour in Scotland are a bunch of careerists who care about themselves, their prospects and the party and place which provides those prospects. That is London and Westminster. Anything else is a sham.
Cath, I’m not saying you’re wrong, but surely there are people in Scottish Labour who know they won’t end up in Westminster themselves and who realise that fewer and fewer Labour people will become councillors and MSPs until they regain some control over policy in Scotland.
I’m sure there are, and there are probably many principled, good people like that as well. But I still think their favoured option to deal with that would be more control from Westminster rather than less. After all, they’ve remained in a party which has just spent 2 years fighting against independence and even against substantially more devolution and which calls itself “one nation” Labour. Those at that level who genuinely do want more policy control in Scotland are going to be disappointed because they will have zero say over those who do have the ambition and have made it to Westminster or the Lords. If they can’t see that, they’re maybe just a bit dim or naive. Or maybe I’m totally wrong and they’ll prove me wrong…
Can I just say, I love discussions with people who implement critical thought. Thank you Cath & Thomas for making me think.
Cath Ferguson liked this on Facebook.
Ironically, the only thing that can save Scottish Labour is the very thing they conspired with the Tories to prevent Scotland from achieving. Chickens. Home. To roost.
The Scottish Green Party amicably split from the Green Party of England and Wales in 1990, and we still work very closely with them. We have a lot of the same policies, Scottish Greens are going down to Brighton to help Caroline Lucas campaign to keep her seat, and many English Greens came up to Scotland to help campaign for a Yes vote in the referendum.
But this situation works because of A) trust and B) the Green Party has long had strong local democracy as one of its core principles. We believe decisions should always be taken at the most local level possible and involve local people to the greatest extent possible.
In this context, Scottish Greens becoming an independent party is a welcome development for both sides, and has forged a strong and affectionate relationship (like iScotland could have had with rUK).
It’s difficult to see dinosaur, centralizing, power-mad UK Labour embracing such a move.