Arc of Prosperity

Scottish Independence within the EU – with a Scandinavian Slant


The Day After

Catalunya triomfant (18/22)
Catalunya triomfant (18/22), a photo by . SantiMB . on Flickr.
As part of the Catalan independence campaign, a group of people have been raising money to allow Isona Passola to make a film about the consequences of independence, called L’Endemà “The Day After”.

So far they’ve managed to raise €348,830 (£294,431).

I saw this mentioned in the Danish newspaper Politiken, but I haven’t yet read anything about it in English-speaking media.

Here’s what the website says about the film:

L’ENDEMÀ donarà arguments clars, sòlids, fiables i contrastats, amb dades objectivables, per boca de les figures nacionals i internacionals més tècniques i més ben informades, a través del mitjà més prestigiós dels mitjans de comunicació, el cinema. També s’editarà la web-sèrie Les píndoles contra la por amb respostes a les grans preguntes que resolen els grans temes de país, les respostes que necessitem per a decidir sense por i tranquil·lament.

My Catalan is a wee bit rusty, but I think it means something like this:

THE DAY AFTER will provide clear, solid, reliable and contrasting arguments with objective data, recounted by the most knowledgeable and best-informed national international figures, through film, the most prestigious form of communication. We will also release a web site, The Pills against Fear, with answers to the major questions to solve the great national issues, the answers that we need to decide calmly and without fear.

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