Arc of Prosperity

Scottish Independence within the EU – with a Scandinavian Slant


It’s not the uniform swing, stupid!

swing photoWhen I moved to Scotland almost twenty years ago and started watching election night programmes, I was surprised at first by their focus on the uniform swing. I then realised that it had been a very useful tool when there only were two main parties, and the psephologists and political journalists were simply too lazy to invent better ways to describe the changes to the electoral landscape. It’s thus no surprise that people are already talking a lot about the swing between Labour and the Conservatives, as if that’s what mattered.

Although the 2017 election seemed to move back towards two-party politics (Labour and the Tories got a combined 82.4% share of the vote, up from 67.3% in 2015, and this was the highest figure since 1970), all opinion polls are showing a return to multi-party politics south of the border. (In Scotland, the SNP will probably dominate even more than before, but of course the proportional electoral systems used for all elections other than Westminster ones has led to a healthy plethora of parties here anyway.)

In England, there are two races to watch: Firstly between the Tories and the Brexit Party, and secondly between Labour and the Lib Dems. Basically the Tories will do well if the Brexit Party gives way (at least by not standing in marginal seats), and Labour will hope that the Lib Dems don’t fight them where it matters.

Because the Brexit Party will regard Boris Johnson as sound on Brexit, I expect them to give him an easy ride (and focus on seats they can take from Labour), whereas Labour and the Lib Dems are already at each other’s throats. Also, many Labour candidates really aren’t very Remain-y, so they might not benefit from tactical voting as much as they expect. The most likely scenario is therefore a Tory victory, perhaps even a huge one. In theory, the Brexit Party could still decide to fight the Tories tooth and nail, and the Remain parties could decide on some tactical voting scheme, but it’s much less likely.

We also shouldn’t forget that most of the highly successful Leave campaign are now working for Number 10. They know how to win, and they’re very happy to play dirty to do so. In 2017, Corbyn benefited from Remain voters giving Labour the benefit of the doubt, while May’s abysmal campaigning skills depressed the Tory vote. This time will be very different.

In Scotland, what will the SNP do? Will they produce a strong independence manifesto that says it’s too late to stop Brexit and Scotland finally needs to launch its lifeboat? Or will they focus on stopping Brexit, with independence looking more like an afterthought? Or will they produce another timid manifesto that tries to keep both the pro-indy Leave voters and the Remain voters who’re uncertain about independence on board? I expect they will at least say that returning a majority of SNP MPs will be a mandate for a new indyref, but will they say anything about what they’ll do if they’re told again that “now is not the time”?

I’ve no doubt the SNP will win, and win big. The real question is whether they win on a manifesto that will be useful after a crushing Tory victory, or whether they’re preparing only for supporting a minority Labour government in return for stopping Brexit and/or getting an new independence referendum.

I hope the SNP will add something to their manifesto along the lines of this: “If we don’t succeed in gaining Westminster’s consent to a new independence referendum, an SNP election victory is a mandate for establishing a Scottish constitutional convention with a view to declaring independence and holding a confirmatory independence referendum afterwards.”

I have my doubts. Nicola Sturgeon is always cautious, and always prefers to stay within the law. But if this election produces a Tory majority that drags Scotland out of the EU in short order, that might not be the best approach any more.

2 thoughts on “It’s not the uniform swing, stupid!

  • I will vote SNP but will be far happier doing so with some idea of what they will do if the response to a section 30 request is a Tory “no, you’re not getting it!” or a Labour “maybe but not for a few years!) (apparently Corbyn’s latest position on the matter).

    I think it’s perfectly reasonable that voters wonder “how” a manifesto pledge is going to be achieved, including what will be done if that “how” is somehow blocked, as we know it probably will be. Voters are entitled to be reassured that the pledge is realistic and will be met.

    It’d be treating voters as fools to act as if it couldn’t be anticipated that another step beyond a section 30 request might be necessary when we know it might, and we shouldn’t have to provide yet another mandate following this election to learn what the answer is to “what will you do if they say no”.

    I’m afraid that would amount to taking the piss.

  • Well its like this IMHO
    A Tory win takes the UK out of the EU.

    The Referendum legislation will be in place by the end of December.
    So the Scottish Government says to Westminster either you agree a S30 or we #DissolveTheUnion on the basis that Westminster has taken the UK out of the EU against the will of the Sovereign Scottish people and if they don’t like that we will see them in the ECJ. Their choice.


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