Cameron wants the UK to leave the EU
The reason for this is Number 10’s announcement that EU citizens won’t be able to vote in the referendum. They didn’t have to announce this yet, so they’re clearly trying to shut down debate on this topic quickly — which again means they must be desperate to achieve this. It would have been much easier simply to let everybody discuss the pros and cons of different franchises, but then the outcome might not have been what they wanted.
And let’s face it: There can be only one reason to be desperate to prevent EU citizens from voting in the referendum, and that’s to achieve a vote in favour of Brexit, given that they’re the only group of people living here who would be almost guaranteed to vote in favour of continued EU membership. It’s worth noting in this connexion that the Tories have also ruled out giving 16- and 17-year-olds the vote — another group that are likely to be more positive towards the EU than the average UK voter — while being perfectly happy to let Commonwealth citizens vote, although they’re likely to more lukewarm towards EU membership.
If David Cameron really thought he would be likely to campaign in favour of remaining in the EU, it would be nonsensical to move fast to ensure the EU’s biggest fans are disenfranchised.
My guess is he’s already expecting his negotiations will fail (if for no other reason because he’s asking for things that any EU expert will tell him the other countries won’t give him), and he’ll then go out and say something along these lines: “I really wanted to remain in a reformed EU, but the other countries have turned their backs on us, so I will with a heavy heart have to recommend that this great nation leaves the EU.”
Why is Cameron doing this? My guess is it’s to save the Conservative party. If he came out in favour of leaving the EU already, some pro-business Tories would break out, and if he campaigned in favour of EU membership, a very large number of MPs would rebel. By pretending to negotiate in good faith, he keeps the pro-EU Tories happy, and by setting the negotiations up to fail, he ensures the Eurosceptics will eventually be happy.
RT @arcofprosperity: New blog post: Cameron wants the UK to leave the EU #EUreferendum
This sadly makes 100% sense. So where are we moving to and how do I get a different EU passport… mind you there’s always UDI…
Alister Rutherford liked this on Facebook.
Yet another case of the UK preferring to stay on the sidelines and complaining, rather than taking the baton and trying to influence the direction that the EU should be taking.
Cameron wants the UK to leave the EU
Marcel Buchanan liked this on Facebook.
Thomas, I too was very puzzled about Cameron’s latest moves re EU Ref; no 16-18 years voters and no EU nationals.
Cameron is not going to get any substantial concessions from the EU. Some of the things he is asking for would involve a Treaty change and would be unthinkable. Germany and France would not allow that nevermind the pantomime of universal agreement would take a lifetime. What he will get is a lucky bag of small things and not enough for Cameron to make anything like a claim of victory in our time.
I always thought Cameron was pro EU but I fear he is being driven by people around him, Osborne in particular.
He is making no attempt at wooing the Jockanese and has shit in his own nest with HS2.
Anyway I already qualify for a French Passport and may further that avenue. I wonder if I could qualify for an Irish one too with a grandmother born there.
I suspect this has been on the SNP radar for a while and the appointment of AS as a virtual Ambassador is a smart move to prepare the ground for a Yes vote to leave the EU.
Things could get ugly and if there is a vote to leave the EU, with Scotland voting No (what irony) then the EU would be crucial to a UDI declaration of az snap Scottish Ref on independence and immediate membership of the EU.
Jeez, we really are living in interesting times.
Interesting times indeed…
Cameron wants the UK to leave the EU. Brilliant analysis from @arcofprosperity who can’t vote in the EU ref.
Phyllis Buchanan, as you & Thomas Widmann are married, can’t you apply for a Danish passport?
Of course she could. Denmark is not like Cameron’s UK.
RT @meljomur: Cameron wants the UK to leave the EU. Brilliant analysis from @arcofprosperity who can’t vote in the EU ref.…
I’ve been baffled lately about the insistence from some Cameron will be on the “in” side. I’ve never thought that was likely. His blackmailing of the EU – “give me what I demand so I can be on the “in” side where I really want to be” is so transparent and incompetent that either there had to already have been some kind of agreement in place (and I don’t see that), or he’s painted himself into a corner. From that corner, if the EU don’t give in to him, he’s either forced into campaigning to pull out, or a humiliating climbdown his backbenchers and many in the right wing media will crucify him for.
What worries me more is the lack of any coherent UK opposition – either to pulling out the EU, or yesterday to the franchise announcement. The SNP will oppose both, but what about Labour? They just seem so weak and are far too often carried along with the right wing media agenda, terrified to stand for anything.
I’ve always vaguely thought an EU referendum won’t happen, or if it did it would be won easily. I’m feeling a lot more pessimistic about that today.
RT @meljomur: Cameron wants the UK to leave the EU. Brilliant analysis from @arcofprosperity who can’t vote in the EU ref.…
I work with one simple rule. Everything Cameron says is a lie. If he says he is not going to do something, it means he has found another way to achieve the same end. If you apply this simple principle, you will not go far wrong.
Well, he did say he’d agree to having an independence referendum, and he did, but I guess that might have been the exception that proves the rule.
Cameron wants the UK to leave the EU
Apparently Labour are supporting the Tories plan to not allow EU citizens to vote on an In/Out EU ref. The UK (England) has become so driven by the UKIP narrative, that it looks to me like this country is sleep walking into being one of the most isolated nations on the planet.
@meljomur @arcofprosperity Hold no brief for Cam but this article too simplistic. He is just a worm wriggling on the hook of anti EU party
RT @meljomur: Cameron wants the UK to leave the EU. Brilliant analysis from @arcofprosperity who can’t vote in the EU ref.…
RT @meljomur: Cameron wants the UK to leave the EU. Brilliant analysis from @arcofprosperity who can’t vote in the EU ref.…
RT @BuggerLePanda:
Cath Ferguson liked this on Facebook.
RT @meljomur: Cameron wants the UK to leave the EU. Brilliant analysis from @arcofprosperity who can’t vote in the EU ref.…
RT @meljomur: Cameron wants the UK to leave the EU. Brilliant analysis from @arcofprosperity who can’t vote in the EU ref.…
RT @meljomur: Cameron wants the UK to leave the EU. Brilliant analysis from @arcofprosperity who can’t vote in the EU ref.…
RT @meljomur: Cameron wants the UK to leave the EU. Brilliant analysis from @arcofprosperity who can’t vote in the EU ref.…
Cameron wants the UK to leave the EU
Agreed. And I, for one, am leaving the UK (and taking my job with me) if the UK votes to leave the EU. I’m told France is nice. 🙂
yes and warm
RT @meljomur: Cameron wants the UK to leave the EU. Brilliant analysis from @arcofprosperity who can’t vote in the EU ref.…
Melissa, no, not without moving to Denmark. It might even be hard to move to Denmark with her if the UK has already left the EU. It might be easier to move to Sweden or Germany.
I imagine other countries would be more grown up than the UK and accept their own citizens returning with spouses and families if the UK leaves the EU. But that may be just an overly romantic view of other countries I have 🙁
I wouldn’t bet on it. Denmark and England are very similar (Scotland is more like Norway or Sweden) IMHO.
@alexmassie No 10’s choice of franchise makes me think the Tories will campaign to leave the EU:
@arcofprosperity Cameron won’t.
@arcofprosperity so you know that commonwealth citizens and EU citizens are not blocks
Do you know whether the UK trades at a profit or loss with the EU? SeeThe benefit of the EU for UK trade and industry to find out.
Do you know how far the UK is committed to full union? See What happened on November 1st 2014 to find out.
Reading this article might explain why Cameron wants out .
Can Commonwealth citizens vote? I’m in Canada, and it’s only my dual-citizenship that gives me the referendum vote. Regular Canadians can’t.
Commonwealth citizens residing in the UK can indeed vote.