Arc of Prosperity

Scottish Independence within the EU – with a Scandinavian Slant


Arc of Prosperity statporn

I started using Google Analytics on Arc of Prosperity exactly a year ago instead of the WordPress plugins that too often count robots as visitors.

So without any further ado, here’s the Google Analytics report for the past year:
The Google Analytics report for the past year.

In general, this site has been growing more and more popular (apart from a late-autumn lull), and it’s great to see that 18,055 users (what used to be called unique visitors) have found their way to this blog over the past year. It’s also encouraging that 45.5% are returning visitors.

The most popular pages were these:

Thanks a lot to all of you for the past year, and let’s now focus on the final few months before the referendum!

2 thoughts on “Arc of Prosperity statporn

  • Good effort and well deserved. I return here every couple of weeks and its always an interesting read.


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